
Valseriana simply. Просто Вальсериана.

Половина третьего ночи. Будильник. Я снова не могу понять что я, кто и где. Шарю в пространстве, надеясь что будильник сам заткнется... Нет. Ну вот, кнопка найдена... еще поспать...

Ах нет?! Зачем-то же ОН звонил. Зачем-то же я проснулся... Значит, надо подниматься и постараться понять куда и зачем приведет снова эта темнота.
Через полчаса выхожу из дома - заряженый кофе, настроеный на дело, осознавший, что предстоит восхождение.
Автоматически отмечаю, что вызвездило - значит погода наладилась. Спускаюсь по ступенькам на нижнюю террасу. Вдалеке бьет колокол - три часа ночи. Хм! Я пунктуален.
Ребята тоже. Ждут у входа. "Привет-привет?", "все в порядке?", "значит - в путь". И вот уже снаряжение в багажнике, машина заведена и пялится фарами в забор дома напротив.
Натягиваю на себя ремень безопасности и предлагаю Владимиру и Вере поспать. Впереди час пути в верховья Вальсерианы.
By the way up plans were changing because of condition. Season is late... All couloirs of Redorta became dry, without enough snow. When we arreved under the bottom of East fase did decision for the new (for my self) route to pizzo Coca.
During the ascent was not enough of battery in Mobile phone. I did some video and photos, but...  very tasty pieces of way are leaving out of the view. Looking for this Film now I try to remember many different options.
About nice interesting rocky parts, that we passed by the ridge of Coca peak. The huge stonefall on the bastion of the fore-summit. Climbing by the mixt with crampons under the storm... Ah! it were nervouse but pleasant moments.
Next day I fight strongly on the rocks in Valgua. Are open for our games forever. And I recognize that was able to recover. Even despite of long way to pizzo Coca.
My fingers and mentality gave specific sensation of the positive achievements. This is a real happiness of avantures in mountains… as I dreamed and realized since many years.
By the descent to parking Maria and me meet Ennio Spiranelli going for climbing with son Andrea. Unfortunatelly (as we knows later) they had no possibility for sport, but did a rescue for one young man, who twisted his foot in same sector.
Next day is a flight to Wroclaw. As to my second favorite town around the planet. To meet Ennio with wife Maria into the airport... GrandeGrimpe is going for the holidays just for few days.
- What is a true happiness? - am thinking in aircraft. - To bit a little piece of Parmesan, to follow personal taste of adventures into the sircle of friends. Are you happy, man in your 45 years?
Stuardess are smiling: “ah, pan Denis himalaist! jak to bylo na K2? źymno?”. One of them Agnieszka suggest hot coffe for free from Wizzair.
Good luck for all nice actions in Pakistan, Alpe Orobie. And especially - I ❤ Valcanale! Yes, am happy.

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